Monday, October 7, 2013

What is the perfect place for a Gothic Wedding?

Nephilim Incorruptus (Gothic Youtuber) has a video series of Questions, one every week, focused on Goth interests. This Series have helped the Youtube Gothic community to interact with each other and develop a better knowledge on others interests. Making our viewers discover us more easily. For more questions go to Nephilim Incorruptus Channel.

Note: Answers below are documented and illustrated in detail for your enlightenment and entertainment. All the information has been studied and researched carefully. Still the opinion, edit and writing is genuinely mine. Hope you Enjoy.

The Goth Question of the Week V was:
"What is the perfect place for a Gothic Wedding ignoring any monetary problems?"

Nephilim Incorruptus answer was:

The Capuchin Crypt in Rome Italy

Located under Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini church on Via Veneto street. The small Crypt contains aprox 3 700 Capuchin Friar's remains that lived between 1528 and 1870. 

Their bones are arranged in patterns decorating walls and ceilings on 5 of the 6 existing chambers. They connect through a corridor about 100 feet long. A bone clock representing time, bone lamps hanging from the corridor's ceiling -among other unique symbolism- create a morbid ambiance disturbing visitors. 

It's soil came from Jerusalem, mixed with oldest exhumed corpses.

Each chamber has a name:
  +Mass Chapel
  +Crypt of the Skulls
  +Crypt of the Pelvis
  +Crypt of the leg bones and thigh Bones
  +Crypt of the three skeletons

Telling their story of spiritual reverence, life and death in time, their saying remains on visitors minds:

 "What you are now we once were; What we are now you Shall be".
There are many versions on how this macabre setup began to take place, tho none of them consistent. Their museum besides the Crypt helps us comprehend better Capuchin's History. To know more go to the Wikipedia article or visit their Website (note that it needs translation since the site is only available in Italian)

The place is gorgeous, tho I wouldn't suggest it as the best place due to reduced space. But for a small private Wedding this place could be at the top list.


My answer is divided:

*  *  * MY PERSONAL CHOICES:  *  *  *

3: Bran Castle in Romania

With more than 700 years of history, Bran's Castle is from the top main attractions in Bran's area. Situated on top of a hill, border between Transylvania and Wallachia in Romania.

Even tho is known as "Dracula's Castle", Bram's Stoker never was its visitor. Is related to his horror novel being the sole Castle inside Romania with striking similarities to Bram's descriptions.

Vlad Tepes (Dracul) had limited association with Bran's Castle. Never belonged to him and he never lived there. But because of it's common association, a whole room is dedicated to "The Impaler". 
Being a Royal Residency since 1920, The Queen Marie enjoyed it as her home and retreat. Her daughter, Princes Ileana, inherit it, and was seized by the communist regime in 1948. 

Descendants of the forgotten royal family recovered the castle in 2009. 
On June of that same year was open to public as a private museum. 

Many unique art and objects from
royal history are displayed in various rooms.  

The fortress is surrounded by souvenir Shops, beautiful gardens and wonderful view. 
It is available for rent to host prestigious events. Music festivals, Food fairs among other special events can be enjoyed by visitors.
Inside is Smaller than it seems: 
Has 4 floors, many small rooms and a cozy courtyard. Walls are painted in white, fireplaces are covered in blue tiles. 

With narrow hallways, secret entries, slender stairs, grand collection of Furniture and numberless visitors, the place is not recommended for claustrophobic individuals.

To date over 500,000 visitors discover yearly legends and myths of this renowned touristic attraction. To know more visit their Official Website

Bran's Castle is nice but average. It's popularity is based under only assumptions and misconceptions. Came first to mind as a choice mainly because of the relation with Dracula's tale. After investigation I admit I found it disappointing. 

Is not my #1 place for a Gothic wedding because of limited size and non impressive interior.   

2: Hunedoara Castle in Transilvania

Known also as Hunyad Castle, Corvin Castle or as Romanian's call it Castelul Corvinilor, or Castelul Huniazilor.

Impressing place renowned for its breath taking exterior. Interesting myths and legends create somber mystery to it.

Is a Gothic-Renaissance Castle above "Slazti" River. Settled in 1446 over an older Fortification owned by The Corvin Family. It was built by orders of John Hunyadi who in that same year became regent-governor of Hungary's Kingdom.

Had residential and military purposes, often keeping prisoners on 3 of its magnificent towers. Among those prisoners is said that Vlad Dracul was one of them for 7 years in 1462.

Because of this mention, Corvin's Castle is sometimes mistaken to be Vlad's home or Dracula's Story inspiration.

Over time the structure had additions to its architectural form. But in 19th Century suffered severe damages due to a gunpowder explosion. Since then many restorations have taken place slowly due to lack of sufficient monetary resources and governmental restrictions.

Inside are displayed 3 large areas: 
"The Knight's Hall", "The Diet Hall" and "The Circular Stairway".
Lacks Furniture and decorations due to its disappearances after Communists took control over Romania.

Nevertheless, it features several traditional galleries as well as unique items such as: 
+ A wall fresco telling the Corvinus name legend (beter known as the raven's legend)
+ John Hunyadi's Tomb.
+ A well, 30 meters deep, carrier of a nasty legend.
+ Preserved torture devices and machinery used on prisoners. (Their display is enriched with dummies and sounds emulating torture sessions).

Hunedoara's wonder is host of The Medieval Festival in Romania, The Outdoor "Opera Night" Festival, Classical music performances such as "Autumn Hunedoara Musical", "MuziCastel" among others. 
Archeological workshops, photo expositions, filming setups, Documentaries, Paranormal investigations among other unique activities have taken place there as well.

The Knights Order of Hunedoara (charity) founded by students in 2006 promoting cultural built heritage and educational activities related to Medieval times. They have supported The Corvin's Castle with activities linked with cultural promotion to gather additional resources used for the restoration works. To know more visit Hunyadi's Official Website (the site is incomplete and outdated)

It even has a wedding Chapel for rent! (600 RON/hour). Is from the top Beautiful somber castles I’ve seen.

Instead of getting married, I would love to live there!

It isn't choice #1 because I took in consideration more than personal preferences.
The poor view of non impressive post-communist factories is another reason. Nearby the industrial area is abandoned. I like decadent, but not this style for a Wedding. Tho, this could gain points for other Goth industrial style lovers.

Even tho is Gorgeous, lugubrious and rich in history, is limited to a more suitable Gothic-Medieval wedding. 

* * * THE PERFECT PLACE: * * *

1: Sedlec Ossuary in the Czech Republic 

Sedlec Ossuary (Also known as The Bone Chapel) is located beneath The Cemetery Church of All Saints in Czech Republic.

On the outside is not spectacular. It looks like a small common Gothic Chapel. But inside strikes every visitor with it's macabre artistic setup of bones from between 40,000 and 70,000 people arranged by Frantisek Rint in 1870. Organized display combined with proper lighting and silence create a disturbingly peaceful atmosphere.

Among it's wonders, viewers can easily find:
+ Bone Chalices
+ Bone Candelabras
+ Bone Pyramids
+ Bone Monstrances
+ Coat of arms of Schwazenberg's Family (A prestigious aristocrat Family in Bohemia)
+ A huge center skull Chandelier
+ Other wall and ceiling decorations
+ Rint's Signature also executed in Bone

Every one of this items is made exclusively of osseous matter from different human body parts.

The massive amount of bones has to do with the fast popularity that Sedlec's Cemetery gained in 1278 after "Holy Soil" was spread across it. Hussite War and The Black Plague filled up this grounds rapidly during the 14th century.

The Ossuary has been used in film setups as well as inspiration for music, stories and documentaries.

Yearly over 200'000 visitors admire it's splendor. For more information visit their Official Website

It's decorative wonders and surroundings makes this the perfect spot. A unique macabre setup, Beautiful Cemetery just outside and a gorgeous historical town.  

"Technically" is forbidden to be married in an Ossuary according to The Roman Catholic Church (owner of The Ossuary). But lets take in consideration that a non-religious wedding could take place here.
The main problem remains on limited space. But I find it worth the experience.

If one would like to actually get married near The Church of Bones, an adjacent Chapel serve this purposes. 



Because there is not only one perfect place for a Gothic Wedding, I challenge you to find the perfect location based on these most common Cliches:

*Haunted House*
*Ghost town*
*Gothic Concert*
*Creepy forest* 

*Abandoned mental institute*

Nephilim Incorruptus question inspired me to think of original ways to get married. If you want to know more unique places and original ideas stay tunned! i'll write soon my article on it.

Everyone has different preferences, so tell me: Which is your #1 Choice???
Rate and comment bellow, Share this and please subscribe to my channel for more interesting topics :)

Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it.

Embrace your Goth...
Because even Stars need Darkness to Shine

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

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"Embrace your Goth... 
Because even Stars need Darkness to shine"